Nutrition funded by WFP 2023

Project Goals

  • Contribute to improvement of the nutritional status of the children from 6-59 months, pregnant and lactating women, to improve food security , livelihood and nutritional in Rural Kassala , Wed Alhlioaw ,and Girba locality in kassala stste  and increase  access to quality , integrated community -based  nutrition care for 9946 beneficiaries in CNIP targeted location
  •  Assist caretakers adopt optimal feeding practices for young children to promote normal growth  and development . 
  •  Caretakers adopt optimal food hygiene and safety promote health , nutrition and hygiene education among caregivers in targeted locations awareness raising and BCC on related underlying causes of malnutrition topics
  • Increase awareness of prevention of endemic diseases and key nutritional principles for 
  • Marginalized women aged (15 -35years ) women’s decision making capacity regarding issues  at the community and family .